In the heart of TEL AVIV, ADI ADMONI’s camera lens offers a window into the enchantment of dance. Her journey led her to the BATSHEVA DANCE COMPANY, where she met dancer OHAD. Their creative connection birthed the captivating visual tapestry featured here. Against the backdrop of Ohad’s debut solo performance, Flat/ a One Woman Cabaret, together, they translate dance’s innate fluidity into still imagery. Admoni reveals the dancer as a vibrant individual, echoing Ohad’s personal story. Ohad, “a non-binary contemporary dancer and independent creator of dance, drag, and everything in between”, explores in this series the notion of not only existing but dancing inside a Queer body. Embracing her obsession with heels, this visual series focuses on the symbol that Ohad sees as an “essence of femininity,” described by her as “delicate, sharp, weapon-like, and permanently orgasmic.”