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Spreading Slut Gospel

In conversation with Miss Bashful

Berlin-based techno star Miss Bashful is back and better than ever, bringing her signature blend of sexy, fun, and fresh energy to heat up the start of this chilly autumn. The pioneer of the “Slut Techno” sound—a playful fusion of sassy, overtly sexual, and sarcastic lyrics over electrifying beats—Miss Bashful’s music celebrates femininity, confidence, and unapologetic self-expression. We sat down with the sexy talker herself to chat about her journey from moaning on techno tracks to creating her latest album, and her vision for the future.
Out this weekend, XOXO FM, created with producer DBBD, marks Miss Bashful’s next step in spreading Slut Gospel. Needless to say, she’s definitely here to stay.

Hi Miss Bashful! How are you today?
I’m good, just freezing in Berlin.

Omg, yes it’s also a very cold summer here in Amsterdam. Tell us a bit about yourself… who is Miss Bashful, and what brought you to music?
Well, I was born in Mexico City and grew up in Texas, but I’ve been living in Berlin for seven years. Originally I just  wanted to moan on some techno tracks, so an old lover of mine made a beat for me. I immediately loved it and thought it was so fun, and then a friend wanted me to do some poems on top of some beats he made, and I just really liked the way my voice sounded. So that made me want to continue exploring and experimenting.

Fun! Do you think it was something casual? Or have you always had the feeling that you were going to become a musician?
Well… I always knew I was going to be a star.

Fair enough! Being Mexican and raised in Texas, how does this part of your identity influence your music? Does it play a role in it at all?
Definitely! That’s where I got my sass and my ass.

Perfect. And how would you describe your music with three words?
I would say playful, empowering and hot.

Congrats on your new album XOXO FM!! Tell me more about it, what’s the inspiration behind it?
Thank you! XOXO FM is essentially a collection of letters to various topics and people: I talk about groupies, a phase I went through, and then there’s a song for Short Kings, one for Basic Bitches… Oh and even Trophy Wives!

Sounds so exciting! Take us through a day at the studio, what does that usually look like? What’s your creative process like?
I usually start by writing down random ideas in my notes. Then when I get to the studio, I might decide to focus on a topic like “basic bitches.” I always work with DBBD, who either has a beat ready or presents a few options. I pick a beat that aligns with the topic, and then I spend a couple of hours refining the lyrics and flow. But yeah, my initial drafts can be pretty rough, so it often takes a bit of effort to make everything coherent.

You often collaborate with producer DBBD. Can you describe your typical workflow when creating music together?
DBBD usually has beats prepared in advance, and then I bring in the topic. Sometimes I’ll suggest a topic, and he’ll create a beat based on that. In the early days of our collaboration, we would create beats together and I would provide a loooot of feedback. But with time, and especially nowadays, DBBD creates the beats independently and we finalise everything together, just to fasten the process a bit. Also now that I’m thinking about it, Boba has become a key part of my creative routine. I’ve tried coffee and it made me anxious sooo boba is just the perfect amount of sugar. 

Boba supremacy! Are there any challenges you faced while recording the album?
One major challenge was finding the right energy for each track. Sometimes I’m just not feeling so sassy or I’m just not in the mood. But we pushed it. We haven’t put out music in like a year and we managed to complete the album in just three months, which was intense but kinda necessary.

That does sound intense. But once you’re in the creative flow, it must come naturally.
Absolutely. During that period, it was all-consuming. It was constantly on my mind, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

And how do you feel now that it’s completed?
It feels really weird. Now I’m like, I don’t know what to do. I’m finding myself with a lot of free time, which led me to start deep cleaning my room and sorting through things. But I guess all this time is helpful to figure out what I want to do next. 

It’s good to have some time to yourself though! Do you have any special memories from recording this album?
Definitely! Sometimes the lyrics are just so silly and it’s funny to record. While recording “Groupies,” there’s a line that goes, “split it open, eat my butt, get a straw and slurp it up.” We couldn’t stop laughing while recording it—it was just so absurd. So that was a cute memory.

That’s a great example of how your music blends playfulness with irony. There seems to be a balance between that and confidence or empowerment. How do you see these elements coming into play in your music?
Yeah, I guess it’s just like not taking yourself so seriously. You can have way more fun! 

Is there a track that you think best represents the album or its energy?
Omg I don’t know! Maybe “Fuck Boy Free”… It’s like empowering and clubby and yeah, I don’t know, maybe that one ahah.

It’s always tough to pick a favourite! On a broader scale, you’ve built a strong community of fans. What do you hope to communicate or share with your audience through this album?
I want the album to make people feel good about themselves—whether it’s the girls, the gays, or groups that often feel overlooked like short kings and basic bitches. It’s about empowerment and celebrating everyone, including trophy wives and those going through breakups. I just hope there’s something for everyone.

Looking back for a sec, you had a big breakthrough in 2022. How do you feel you’ve grown since then, both musically and personally?
I think I know a bit more about the music industry because I literally was clueless, like I was stripping. I had no idea. It was just like a fun thing that we did on the side. And I definitely think I’ve grown on lyrics, writing lyrics and structuring a flow.

And what about in a more personal sense? Do you feel more comfortable in the industry you’re in or how did you learn how to navigate it better?
Yeah, I feel like I just have to keep manifesting and just being confident in what I do.

I was wondering, what makes someone stand out in the crowd when performing?
I absolutely love it when the crowd is screaming, and singing along, and twerking, and just going feral. Just letting loose.

What would you say your biggest accomplishment has been so far?
Probably the fact that I’m a retired stripper now. So that’s pretty awesome. Yeah, being self-sufficient.

And do you have a favourite song at the moment?
Right now, I’d say “Fuck Boy Free” is my favorite. It makes me feel like a bad bitch and reminds me that I don’t need any of my dusty exes holding me back.

Any current guilty pleasures?
At the moment, I’m really into watching Dance Moms. I love the drama and the energy of it all. Sometimes, I fantasise about being a dance mom myself—though, I don’t actually have a dancing child. It’s just fun to imagine the drama!

Maybe one day you’ll be a reality star yourself!
That’s actually a dream of mine!

Ins and Outs for this 2024 summer.
Ins: microkinis, tan lines, and staying warm in Berlin. Also speedos.
Outs: The Berlin lake– it freaks me out.

What are you manifesting for the future?
Success. I want to get a beautiful apartment. I don’t know if I’m going to stay in Berlin or move somewhere else ,hopefully going back to the US at some point as well.
So, yeah, manifesting to blow up and spread the Slut gospel. 


Words by Agata Villa
Images by Sophie Kubinyi