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Amsterdam Museum invites artists to submit their work in an open call for their upcoming exhibition

Work by Tyna Adebowale

War & Conflict: a concept so intertwined with human history, we can sometimes forget it is not innate to our existence. Reflecting on this theme, Amsterdam Museum will be beginning the second edition of their 2020 Refresh Amsterdam exhibition in May 2023, addressing “the impact of war and conflict around the world”, particularly harnessing their focus on the effects war has on “its inhabitants”, and “social structures” and so forth. In light of current events — the Russian invasion of Ukraine — the Museum wishes to consider our contemporary city-sphere, engaging with a wider discussion on war and its global effects. And, ultimately, is asking you to join them in this dialogue.

That’s right — this is an Open Call. Whether your discipline is theatre, performance, music, poetry, design, visual art or other, Amsterdam Museum is asking you to reflect on the impact of war and conflict on the city of Amsterdam. If selected, your work will be shown as part of the Refresh  Amsterdam public programme, and later may be purchased so as to be included in the Museum’s collection.

To take part in this exciting opportunity, make sure to visit amsterdammuseum.nl/refresh for all information and guidelines! Good Luck❤️