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New year, New Mojo

4 instagrams to get you in the resolution-making mood 

Welcome, 2021! ?

This year already appears like a breath of fresh air compared to the last. And while the reality of that is yet to be seen, for now we are following that new-year, new-mood mentality and bringing on the next months with some positive feels.

Think of it still as our treat to you. The list is picked from the punchiest grams we can find, so start small and freshen up your feed. We promise creativity will seep in soon.

Here are five of our favourite Instagram inspos that’ll help you turn that leaf and start anew.

Gc x

2020 was a powerful year for social justice, but it’s not like the momentum should stay in the past. What can be achieved post-pandemic is still a story to be told.  soyouwanttotalkabout show us the right mentality to achieving the new year’s “new normal.”



January is often a time when diet culture tries to reign free. Inclusivetherapists show us an alternative way to be healthy this year – by decolonizing our relationship to the body.

Finding the self is central to finding peace.  Take these wise words from beamingdesign and practice a year of radical self-love.

Finally, if your only objective is to get through the year, then no pressure – we are still in a global pandemic after all. Against a climate ofic positivity and social media ennui, withcreators is teaching us how to get some rest this year. The ultimate form of sustenance for the soul.



Words by Rose Holmshaw