The new drop featuring the perfect little Christmas gift – a condom case.
Tapping into where the government and current sex-ed have failed us, Jems are redefining the toxic rules of the heteronormative and male-prioritising sex-care industry. The brand, and an educational platform, is dedicated to making sex safer (and better) for absolutely everyone, through promoting inclusivity and opening conversations around health, consent, connection and pleasure. On top of that, Jems’ condoms are free from all the widely used harmful chemicals – the same way the brand is free of any stigma and shame around sex. From their Use a Condom campaign in collab with SIECUS to ballroom club nights, Jems is the advocate for better sex the world was missing.
For their latest drop, Jems remind us to check on all those condoms that have been living in the depths of your wallets and pockets (not calling anyone out!). Their new cases are designed to protect your condom supply from any damages caused by rubbing and being next to sharp objects, like your keys. And of course, to keep it cute! As Jems say, don’t forget to protect your protection <3