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It’s time to radicalise the mind

Recognising white privilege and making a change.

Last week George Floyd’s life was ripped from the world in an act of evil and horrific racism. This is just one of many stories highlighting life as a black person of colour. The black community has been stampeded on time and time again throughout history, and it is these injustices which have now surpassed the days of empty sympathy, saddened looks and Instagram posts sending ‘thoughts and prayers’. This is a time for radical change, but in order to radicalise the world, we must first radicalise ourselves as individuals.

Complicity is the engagement white privilege has accustomed us to, but reprogramming the systematic racism ingrained into society and recognising our privilege is the first step in breaking down these walls and building a society of equality. As Gilbert Chesterton said, ‘the chief object of education is not to learn things but to unlearn things’, and that should be our intrinsic goal alongside our activism through protest, campaigns, petitions and donations.

As white people, we must be the ones to pursue change, build new foundations whilst reflecting on and acknowledging our past crimes. Study, support and stand by the black community during this time, as this is the moment we begin to ignite redemption for those who have been continuously oppressed. Below are some texts we believe are important in this process of radicalisation, as well as vital donation links to charities who are committed to the fight for freedom.