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Who said there is only space for dance in theaters?

The art of dance transcends any physical border and timeline. Jacob Jonas The Company truly took this to heart and has initiated the astonishing international film series Films.Dance. The dance collective will release 15 short films that bless and caress our yearning hearts, of which some already released like the hallucinatory NOW, vivid WATCH and their most recent 4-minute jewel: ‘DADU’.

Shot by the incredible cinematographer Sam du Pon, using stunning 16 mm film in combination with natural light, DADU is a captivating short film that throws us into the ecstatic worlds of four dancers. The performance, directed by Ian Robins and rhythmically framed by composer Awir Leon, is an exploration of their individuality and their relationships to not only each other, but also the spaces in between. Set in a tiny Dutch village called Spaarnewoude, the film virtually teleports us to new places and different spirits. These mesmerizing four minutes of pure dance make us only wonder what else Films.Dance has got in store for us!

Check out Films.Dance for more pulsating performances!


Words by Brechtje Polman