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Eye Sees No Lashes

John Yuyi stuns with solo show



All eyes are on John Yuji for her new solo exhibition at Tao Art Space. Following the theme that has underpinned the visual artist’s career – social media and identity, the latest show is the first to feature bold new installation works. Under the title Eye Sees no Lashes, the Taiwan local draws on elements of the uncanny to question our ability to cope with digital distortions. From collage-cut out eyes grow upward from scattered red sand to twisted faces gaze at you from their picture frames, this absorbing showcase has all eyes on you. A brilliantly playful exhibit where digital meets the physical, we wouldn’t expect anything less from this internet sensation. Check it out on IG here, or get yourself down to the show until 2nd Feb. ?

Eye Sees No Lashes is on at Tao Art Space until 2nd Feb

Words by Rose Holmshaw