Daine: My Way Out

Ringing with melancholia, her newest single can speak to us all. 

Filipino- Australian artist Daine is back! After the heart-wrenching debut single ‘Picking Flowers’, we have been graced with her newest track ‘My Way out’. There is a darkness and depth which stretches across all of Daine’s work but within that, there’s a purity in its honesty and often a sense of relief! Her newest release is best described as euphoric; ringing with melancholia and delicacy as both her voice, the lyrics and the musicality wrap into one. Spilling with emotion, the song shines a light on notions of isolation (I think we can all relate, right?), and the often present dissonance between socializing and fun. Infectious in its nature, Daine describes the songs accumulation as ‘really natural’ through its simplicity of  ‘just work[ing]. Check it out below and feel yourself melt away as Daine revels within the emotions many of us have been feeling during these times. 


Buy and Stream here.

Words by Grace Powell